Category Archives: Interact Marketing Blog

What Facebook Admins Should Do that Other Checklists Don’t Mention

Facebook business page checklist
Kristen Semple blends her expertise in social media marketing and creative writing to create SEO-driven content. She’s passionate about corporate social responsibility, environmental sustainability, and civic engagement.
Kristen Semple

Businesses can leverage social media to share updates and engage on a more personal level with customers and fans. What’s great about a Facebook Business Page is that you have insights into incredible data that can help you grow your business and compete in your industry. If you’re just establishing a Facebook Business Page now […]

5 Benefits of Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency

Digital marketer pointing out analytics on a screen

Digital Marketing plays a huge role in how successful your business’s brand awareness is in a world where eyes are constantly occupied by a screen. Integrating a multichannel approach is vital, as companies evaluate the return on investment for building a great website, running ads online, and curating an engaging social presence. Attempting to run […]

What WordPress 5.0 and Gutenberg Mean for Your Website

Web Design & Development at Interact Marketing
Jacques Warnon is the most interesting man at Interact Marketing. He once won a staring contest with his own reflection. The dark is afraid of him. He can speak Russian… in French. He once made a weeping willow laugh. In museums, he is allowed to touch the art. If opportunity knocks, and he’s not home, opportunity waits.


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Jacques Warnon

If your website is one of the 59% of all sites using WordPress as your content management system, you probably know that the CMS giant has been developing the editor that will change the entire interface. Web developers have mixed feelings about it. This update, Gutenberg, marks a drastic change in the self-hosted WordPress community, […]

Google’s Guide to the Galaxy

Chris Daley uses his creative eye and active imagination to support the website development and design team at Interact Marketing.
Chris Daley
Latest posts by Chris Daley (see all)

It seems like Google works to make science fiction dreams into reality on a regular basis.  Almost 40 years ago, Douglas Adams dreamt up a hand-held universal repository of information that could easily provide the user with information on any topic or item. Now, with the upcoming release of Google Lens AI for Google Images, […]

Virtual Reality & Voice Activated Search: What’s to Come

virtual reality vs voice activated search

Digital marketers are facing a paradigm shift in the way consumers are getting access to content. The rise of virtual reality (VR) offers a more immersive user experience than what was once only conceivably possible in science fiction. The smartphone revolution has spurred innovation for VR to become a huge opportunity for digital marketers looking […]

What’s In WordPress’s Gutenberg Editor

woman on computer and mobile device

As WordPress keeps us all on the hook waiting for their revolutionary update, the Gutenberg Editor, they’ve released a plugin for beta testing. WordPress 4.8 was recently launched in early June, an update that featured more straightforward text and image editing sidebar widgets. As a whole, the most recent update was far more user friendly […]

Google Search Data and Predictive Analytics: What We Search on Google Reveals What’s Really Going On

Wouldn’t we all love to peer inside the minds of our customers to see how we could better reach them and serve their needs? With Google, you actually can—to an extent. Google Trends is an online resource that anyone can use to research and compare terms to get statistics on how frequently they’re searched. This […]

Google AdWords Update: Ad Suggestions Might Already Be Running on Your Dime

Google search engine results page

Google’s efforts to create the most value for their AdWords customers may start to backfire on them. With all the great data that the new Google AdWords Beta is supplying to advertisers, a new feature has many upset about automatically generated ads going live without their knowledge. As of recently, Google AdWords started creating Search […]

Google Optimize – Now Free for Everyone in a Lite Version!

Once only available as part of the premium Google Analytics 360 Suite, a slimmed-down version of Google Optimize is now free! Google Optimize is an easy to implement A/B testing tool that allows you to run experiments on your webpage. Create variants to landing pages without having to wait for your technical team to implement […]

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