Online Reputation Management For Positive Online PR

Reputation management isn’t a new idea. Everyone wants to maintain a positive, clean reputation but with the changing business environment involving more and more communication outlets, especially the web, the way reputation management is handled has been updated to keep pace.

Today, if someone wants information about your product or service, a very simple way to collect it is by “Googling” someone using the search engines. Prospective clients, business partners or job seekers are out there, wanting to know more about you, your company, and the service or products you offer. This search will reveal information that forms first impressions which you would always want to be lasting and positive.

The problem is, anyone with an ‘axe to grind,’ such as fired employees, angry customers, even dishonest competitors looking for an edge, can blemish your good reputation by creating bad online postings, negative blog feedback, bad product reviews or even blatant lies which are meant to disrupt your business or personal life by creating bad public relations.

Bottom line, you don’t want negativity showing up on page one of Google, Yahoo or Bing and you don’t want it damaging your good, online reputation. What can you do to keep negative material off page one?

While you can’t stop someone from adding his or her opinion, you can limit the damage it can do to your online reputation. Online reputation management doesn’t eliminate negative opinions but buries them. Anything negative posted against you will be forced to the bottom of the results pages where few will see them. This simply means all the good, positive comments rise to the top, where they are more visible to online researchers.

If you’re concerned about your online reputation and how it can affect your bottom line, look into reputation management. Discover how this relatively new service can keep your business rolling by as you keep your online reputation ready to impress and glued where it should be.

Online reputation management is one of the newest services you can get from your SEO company. If you just want the best reputation though, you’ll want to move to the best SEO company that continues to discover more innovative ways to keep your site up the ranks while making all the good impressions.

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Joe Beccalori CEO
Joe Beccalori is a twenty-five-year digital marketing veteran and industry thought leader. After working for fifteen years in enterprise web programming, design, and marketing services he founded Interact Marketing in November 2007 and is currently the company CEO, visionary, and public speaker. He is also a contributing author on Forbes, Huffington Post, and In December of 2017, Interact's parent company also acquired Slingshot SEO.
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