Want Your Facebook Fans To Be More Active? Here’s A Simple Trick That Works …

This Facebook Fan Page tip is from Bipper Media, a content social media marketing firm that helps local small business connect to new customers, and generate more exposure for their brand, products, and services.

Having a Facebook Fan Page is a great thing for any business regardless of their size. A Facebook Fan Page is a great way for brands to connect with their most loyal fan base, and also through their fans, connect to new fans who are interested in their brand’s products and services.

But sometimes it seems like, no matter what you do, you just can’t get any of your fans to interact with you on your page.  You know that fan interaction is the best way to generate exposure and rise to the top of fan’s news feeds, but just how do you get your fans to actually interact with your updates?

Below you’ll learn one simple tip that has helped both our own Facebook Fan Page, and the Facebook fan page of our clients.

If your fans are dormant on Facebook, then the Facebook ranking algorithm isn’t going to look very highly upon your fan page updates.  And without higher rankings for your fan page updates, fewer people will see your Facebook page updates in their news stream.

How to generate more activity from your Facebook Fan Page fans

I wanted to write this post to share with you one technique that has resulted in a huge increase in fan engagement on both our own (Bipper Media’s) Facebook page and also our client’s Facebook Fan Page.  And when I say “more active” what I mean is, the fans are “like’ing”, commenting, and sharing more on the updates we post – again, for both our own and our client’s Facebook fan pages.

Posting full size images

The technique we’ve been using is posting full size images onto our news updates.  Sure, you can post Facebook page updates that have a thumbnail of an image – that’s the small littler square image – that’s attached to the page update.  But what I’m talking about there is a full 400px width image that’s being shared in your news stream.

Here’s a comparison of what I’ve talking about which should help you understand better the type of image sharing I’m referring to:

Here’s a Facebook Fan Page update of a link that generates just a thumbnail image:


And now here’s a Facebook page update with a full image shared in the news stream:


These two posts were shared on the same Facebook Page, but notice the difference in interaction.  On the page with only a thumbnail image, there were a total of 2 people who liked the post update, which resulted in a only 1,132 people reached or 14%.

Now on the second page update you’ll see a full image shared, and notice the difference in total interactions and percentage of people reached.  Right off the bat you can see that the total number of people reached nearly doubled going from 14% to 26%.  But this is also a result of the number of people that interacted with the post – only 2 interactions vs. 11 total interactions.

As you can see, the full image update in the news stream made a big difference in the amount of interaction the post updates received.  And as a result, the updates were seen by more of the total fan base as well.

Why images work

Images work better at generating more of a buzz among Facebook fans because people tend to be more responsive to things that are visual, versus simple text updates.

When it comes to wall updates on Facebook, it’s hard to stand out when all you’re posting is text updates.

But with images, your update will stand out to your fans and catch their eyes as they browse down through their news stream.

Sharing a little bit of text with the image update isn’t a bad idea either.

Notice in the full image clip above.

You’ll see two or three sentences that lead up to the image  Some text can actually help support the image you are sharing on your Facebook fan page.

How to share full sized images

Alright, so we now know that sharing full sized images is definitely the way to go, but how exactly do you share images in your Facebook page wall stream?  Below is a quick and easy tutorial to show you how.

1)  Click “Photo / Video” in the wall update text editor


2)  Once you click the “Photo / Video” link, you’ll then be presented with several different options for adding media to your Facebook page update.  For the purposes of this tutorial, you’ll want to select the “Upload Photo / Video” option:


3)  Finally, after you’ve selected the “Upload Photo / Video” link, you’ll be presented with the “Choose file” button that allows you to locate your desired image on your computer, add it to your post update, and then proceed with adding any additional text before sharing your image.


And that’s it, once you’ve added your image and any supporting text, you can go ahead and “Post” your update.  The image will now go out to the fans on your Facebook Fan Page.  And because you are sharing an image instead of just plain ol’ text, then you are much more likely to get fans interacting with your page.

So do you find that images help increase fan interaction on your Facebook page?

Are you going to start trying to add more images and other media to your Facebook page?

We’d love to hear from you in the comments!

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Joe Beccalori CEO
Joe Beccalori is a twenty-five-year digital marketing veteran and industry thought leader. After working for fifteen years in enterprise web programming, design, and marketing services he founded Interact Marketing in November 2007 and is currently the company CEO, visionary, and public speaker. He is also a contributing author on Forbes, Huffington Post, and Relevance.com. In December of 2017, Interact's parent company also acquired Slingshot SEO.
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