New Facebook Layouts Are Rolling Out Again This Week

Facebook New Layout 2016

Facebook is once again rolling out a new page layout for business pages on desktop. It seems to be rolling out on an account-by-account basis (we had to try 4 accounts before we spotted the new layout), so you may not have it yet.

Overall, the look is much cleaner, and will allow you to showcase your apps/tabs much better. The profile pictures are no longer covering any part of the cover photo, and there is, in fact, nothing blocking your view of the cover photo (text, buttons, etc.). This will allow businesses to fully utilize the space in a way that they are not currently able to.

The call to action button is much more user-friendly and eye-catching, and in fact more closely matches the call to action buttons on mobile, which is a nice blue color.

The reviews, likes, and maps are now on the right side instead of the left, opening up the space for the new tabs/apps menu. (Note: make sure that your business pages don’t have old apps showing – it used to not be as much of an issue to leave them there, but they will now be very visible.)

So far, no additional changes to mobile pages beyond the previously rolled-out larger call to action buttons.

Also of note: there is a post missing in the screenshots below. It seems like the new layout is not showing shared posts (in this case our CEO posted something on his personal page and then shared it from the company page). I have reported it to Facebook and will update if I get a response.

Here’s a detailed look and side by side comparison of the current and new 2016 Facebook pages layouts:

  1. The Profile Photo does not cover the Cover Photo
  2. The business name and messenger username are directly underneath the profile photo on the left
  3. Call to action button no longer covers the cover photo, and is now a nice, eye-catching blue.
  4. Like/Message have moved below the cover photo
  5. Additional tabs are shown in a menu structure on the left-hand side
  6. The left side content moved to the right, including reviews, page likes, directions/map, photos, and user content.

(Click to expand image)

Facebook New Layout 2016 Detail Comparison


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Joe Beccalori CEO
Joe Beccalori is a twenty-five-year digital marketing veteran and industry thought leader. After working for fifteen years in enterprise web programming, design, and marketing services he founded Interact Marketing in November 2007 and is currently the company CEO, visionary, and public speaker. He is also a contributing author on Forbes, Huffington Post, and In December of 2017, Interact's parent company also acquired Slingshot SEO.
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